Over Employment Double Your Income While Travelling the World

In this book we explain the new phenomenon of Over Employment.

How can you work more than one job at a time and get paid for both? This seems impossible but a LOT of people are doing it and making a lot of money. We aren’t talking about low paying work, but two or more professional jobs. What is your salary or income right now? Imagine working TWO jobs and earning that salary from both. Or maybe add a third part time job?

Surely, you think this is impossible? Surely you are already so busy at your current job that you can’t possibly do that? How can one person possibly do two jobs?

In this book we explain how to do it, and do it with less stress than you already have. Do it so that not only are you not working 80 hour weeks but you actually have time to spare.

Then, as you make it work, how about you do those two or three or four jobs while travelling the world? Would you like to spend time at the beach? How about in a nice ski resort? Maybe travel to exotic south east Asia? Are you from India? How about travelling back to your home and spending a few months with your family while still making two or three salaries from back home? Maybe your dream is to travel around Europe, or visit Rio for the Carnival?

This book explains how all that can be possible while socking away lots of money in your bank account.

A Word From The Author

I’ve been living this lifestyle for nearly ten years and am still living it today.

I’ve made all the mistakes and through trial and error have worked out all the systems, ideas and technology to make this work. I don’t have every answer but I’ve screwed up plenty and dug myself out of the hole. Let me save you from that grief. This book is a how to manual. Step by step telling you how to make the dream lifestyle possible.

I’m writing anonymously because I still do this work. There is certainly nothing illegal about it but often client’s prefer to think you are their one and only interest. Better to keep them happy while you rake in the cash.

So this is me. Nice beach! Your guide and mentor, O.E. Worker